On www.vvvkatwijk.nl you can see a complete calendar overview of the activities and events. Throughout the year, there is much to do in Katwijk. There are organized various activities. Dune trips and music festivals. There is plenty to do! Throughout all seasons, there is something to do in Katwijk! Take a look at www.vvvkatwijk.nl for more information on activities and events.
More websites with informatie about Katwijk and activities:
Walking on beach
High or low water? Check it out here! katwijk.info
VVV Katwijk
Local Tourist Information and event calender www.vvvkatwijk.nl
In the afternoon, enjoy a breath of fresh air on the beach, in the evening relax on the couch with a fine movie and in the morning enjoy breakfast overlooking the wild and raging sea.
New balconies flat 2 and 4 - You can sit out of the wind!
After several weeks on the scaffolding, the façade was renovated and new fences were installed.
A little more space and you can sit sheltered from the wind in north and south winds.
Off to spring